This is an ongoing project to explore simple learning algorithms by incorporating
them into a small toy "Spider" robot. Although not specifically
programmed to do anything, it learns through experience to make moves and
seek conditions that satisfy pre-programmed conditions. In other words,
I don't tell it HOW to avoid obstacles in its path, all I tell it is that
objects in its path are not desirable. It has to discover the proper solutions
through trial and error then remember the correct responses.
Many of the ideas I'm using here come from a 1979 book entitled "How to Build Your Own Self-Programming Robot" by David L. Heiserman (TAB books number 1241). He describes three levels of machine intelligence. Taken from the book, these are:
"An Alpha-Class robot is one whose responses are limited to basic reflex activity. One can include any number of sensory systems to sense light, sound, touch, and so on, but the responses are purely reflexive, and for the most part, random in nature."
"A Beta-Class robot is slightly more intelligent than any Alpha-Class version. Beta robots have the same primitive reflex mechanisms, but they are also able to remember reflex responses that work best under a given set of circumstances. So whenever a Beta-Class robot manages to extricate itself via a set of random responses from an undesirable environmental condition, it remembers the one response that worked and then uses it immediately whenever the same situation arises again. The responses are purely reflexive and random the first time around, but they become more rational as the machine gains experience with the world around it."
"A Gamma-Class robot includes the reflex and memory features of the two lower-order machines, but it also has the ability to generalize whatever it learns through direct experience. Once a Gamma-Class robot meets and solves a particular problem, it not only remembers the solution, but generalizes that solution into a variety of similar situations not yet encountered. Such a robot need not encounter every possible situation before discovering what it is supposed to do; rather it generalizes its first-hand responses, thereby making it possible to deal with the unexpected elements of its life more effectively."
The robot kit used as a
chassis for the experimental circuitry comes from OWI, model MV-962. The
robot has six legs driven by two motors using a crank mechanism. The stock
kit isn't very smart, it merely turns whenever it encounters an object
with its infrared sensor. Call OWI Inc. at (310) 638-4732 for ordering
information or visit their web site at
By adding a few more senses, a microprocessor and some non-volatile memory it now has the ability to learn from its surroundings and make "correct" responses triggered by its environment. The processor I used for the new "brain" is a PIC16C54 chip with 512 12-bit words of programmable ROM, 32 bytes of RAM and 12 I/O lines. If the code exceeds the capacity of this chip the PIC16C56 chip provides 1K words of ROM. For pattern storage a 24C65 EE-prom chip provides 8 kilobytes in an 8 pin package. A simple 555 counter chip is wired to the Real Time Counter input to provide a simple way to obtain random responses when required. Refer to the end of this file for circuit details.
In addition to the forward-looking infrared sensor that came with the kit, I added two photocell 'eyes' and provided feedback from each motor to indicate stall conditions. The photocell eyes are wired to respond to differences in light rather than absolute level. Normally they only detect three conditions: same light on both, shadow on the left and shadow on the right, but by taking two readings then combining them a fourth condition representing motion can also be detected. Together, the environment is presented to it as 7 bits of information, six are currently being used.
To drive the motors three signals are provided, Left Drive, Right Drive and reverse. Currently only the left motor is reversible, using a relay. Four levels of speed are available for each motor using pulse-width modulation, so internally the response is stored as 5 bits, 2 for each motor plus the reverse bit.
The EE-prom interface takes up the processor's remaining 2 I/O lines, maxing out the 18 pin PIC chip. One of the unused inputs is borrowed for an LED to indicate the creature's state of mind.
This is an experiment in learned behavior. I do not specifically tell it what to do, the only programming is defining what makes it happy and what disturbs it. No specific moves are programmed, these must be acquired through experience. Normally sophisticated neural networks are used for this kind of task, but I don't think I can code anything useful using neural nets in the tight confines of the simple PIC processor I'm using. Rather a direct approach is used and moves are tagged with a number representing Confidence. If Confidence is above zero the stored move is used, otherwise a random move is chosen. When a move works, Confidence is increased up to a maximum value. If the move did not work, Confidence is reduced down to zero. The sensor input bits from the current environment (and optionally the previous environment) are used to calculate the address of the memory.
Here's the basic idea...
Read ThisEnv from sensors Copy ThisEnv to LastEnv MainLoop: Form Address from ThisEnv and LastEnv (or use only ThisEnv as address) Copy ThisEnv to LastEnv Access EE memory and get Action and Confidence If Confidence = 0 then: set Action to random set Confidence = 1 (or just leave 0) Perform Action (drive the motors) Read ThisEnv from sensors Evaluate move - is the robot "happy"? If good move: If Confidence = maxconfidence then goto MainLoop Increment Confidence (by 1 or 2) up to maxconfidence Else: (bad move) If Confidence = 0 then goto MainLoop Decrement Confidence down to 0 Store Action and Confidence into EE Address If Confidence = maxconfidence then goto Gamma Goto MainLoop Gamma: Loop Address through every EE memory location AND lowest bits of Address with LastEnv If any bits in common then: Read Confidence from EE Address If Confidence = 0 then: Confidence = 1 (or more) Write Action and Confidence to EE Address Do next Address Goto MainLoop
The current PIC implementation of the algorithm goes much further than this simple outline. Many of the variable aspects of the algorithm (or the parts I wasn't sure about:) are tied to a Program Flow Control Register, a collection of bits that determines the flow through the program code, altering both variables and the algorithm itself. Some versions associate memories with only the current environment, others consider now and then when identifying memories. Some versions use the gamma code, some use a variation that not only generalizes good moves but bad moves also. As listed, if the robot a certain number of bad moves in a row it randomly changes the Flow Control Word in the hope that something else might work better. If desired self-modification can be disallowed and the algorithm options set manually.
Behavior stems not from telling the robot what to do, but rather specifying what output conditions are acceptable and what input conditions are to be avoided. How to avoid unacceptable environment conditions is not specified, rather it has to learn through trial and error the output moves that result in favorable conditions. The following code fragment illustrates how behavior is (not) specified:
MotorL1 = 7 ; define Action (motor) bits... MotorL2 = 6 MotorR1 = 5 MotorR2 = 4 MotorRev = 3 ; acceptable 'normal' output states... Goal0 = 10100000b ; forward slow Goal1 = 01010000b ; forward medium Goal2 = 11110000b ; forward fast Goal3 = 11010000b ; fast forward and right Goal4 = 01110000b ; fast forward and left Goal5 = 11100000b ; turn right Goal6 = 10110000b ; turn left ; environment bits... L_Shadow = 0 ; high when shadow is on the left R_Shadow = 1 ; high when shadow is on the right L_Stall = 2 ; high when motor is drawing excessive R_Stall = 3 ; current indicating a stall condition IR_Obj = 4 ; low when IR detects an object ahead Feeler = 5 ; Forward-facing touch switch (added 11-6) Sense6 = 6 ; (extra) active low, doubles as LED out EnvMask = 01111111b ; mask of available environment bits ALMask = 01010000b ; mask of active-low environment bits ; unacceptable environment bits... InhibA = 00111100b ; IR, stall or feel - for normal conditions ; unacceptable environment after so many bad moves... InhibB = 00001111b ; stall or photo - plan B (go to the light)
The various goal and inhibit masks determine what the robot likes and doesn't like, the result of the evaluation is a single good/bad flag, telling the robot to either strengthen the confidence of the last memory or to weaken it. When the environment triggers a memory with zero confidence it picks a move at random. Initially all of the moves are random and result in a very confused robot, but only for a short period of time. Soon it learns what it's supposed to do in response to open space, walls and obstacles in its path without being specifically told what to do.
Not much, by AI standards it's just plain stupid. However it is definitely doing something. It can pass the paper-bag test - the first encounter with a bag might give it some problems but once it learns it navigates out of the bag with little effort. It passes the "Purring" test devised by Brian Keeley, the cat thinks it's alive. With a little training it can learn simple tricks but don't expect much. Mostly it wanders around checking stuff out and just does its own thing, oblivious of any human expectations of it.
This I believe is one of the failings of AI research - the expectation that intelligence means human-level intelligence. We devise artificial tests to try to quantify intelligence then condemn anything that fails as not being intelligent. An associative memory like the one described has no more intelligence than an earthworm, probably less. It is an autonomous robot, not a person. It doesn't have to explain itself, all it has to do is get around by itself and react to its environment. In many ways, it is the environment itself that provides the intelligence, the software need only provide sensor motor coupling in a way that can be remembered.
The circuitry is roughly divided up into five sections; the CPU circuit, the IR object detection circuit, the photo-sense circuitry, the motor drive circuitry/power supply, and the circuit that detects if the motors are stalled or being loaded. The IR circuit was part of the stock kit, the photo-sense circuitry uses half of the 339 chip left over after removing the existing motor drive circuitry and assembled onto the back of the stock circuit board. The designations A0, A1, B0-B4, B6 and B7 refer to the PIC port pin connections to the CPU circuit. Input B5 is not used, tie to ground.
.----------> 9V power | .-----. + .---------O->O-----------------o-----------------------|7805 |----> 5V __|__ switch | '-----' short wire ___ + .---O->O---o---o----------------------------o---. | to brain board _____ __|__ Q1| | | Q2| | _|_ .1uF on 5V line ___ ___ e|/p | | e|/p | |9V _____ .-b| n _|_ | .-b| n _|_ _|_ ___ | c|\p /_\ | | c|\p /_\ |3V _|_ | | | _|_ | | _|_ | | o---' | | | o---' |100| | .--------- | ---. |100| | Q1,Q2 - TIP42 PNP |_ _| | |relay .--o | |_ _| | Q3-Q5 - PN3568 or | O O O O | |+ | |+ any small NPN | `--. | _|_ left | right Relay - Digikey Z824-ND Q3| ,--- \` /_\ motor Q4| motor Diodes - 1N400x type c|/n O O O O | |- c|/n |- .--b| p | | `--o | .--b| p | _|_ e|\n | `--------- | ---` _|_ e|\n | | | | o-------. _|_ | | | o----. |2.2| _|_ _|_ | | | |2.2| _|_ _|_ | |_K_| | | | |47 | |_K_| | | | | |.47| | |_ _| | |.47| | | |_ _| `---- | ----- | ---. |_ _| | To stall-sense | _|_ c|/n | | _|_ | circuitry | .---b| p | | `---> B `------------. _|_ e|\n | `--------------> A | | | Q5_|_ | from brain board | |1K | | L Drive A0 >------' |_ _| | R Drive A1 >---------- | -------------' L Reverse B7 >-----------'
9V >----o-------------------o-----------. _|_ | __|__ + | | | _____ 2.2u |33K| LMC6482 | |_ _| (rail-rail) _|_ | _ | pulse stretchers o-----. | -| 1N914_|_ _|_ A >---|+ -_ .-----. 1N914 .-----. _\_/_ |100| | _----|470 |--|>|--o-----o--| 22K |--> B2 _|_ |KT |<---o---|- _- `-----' +__|__ _|_ `-----' L Stall |_ _| | |_- _____ | | / _|_ | 2.2u _|_ |4.7| to brain | | _ |_K_| board stall | | -_ _|_ sensitivity `---|- -_ .-----. 1N914 .-----. adjust | _----|470 |--|>|--o-----o--| 22K |--> B3 B >---|+ _- `-----' +__|__ _|_ `-----' R Stall |_-| _____ | | | 2.2u _|_ |4.7| _|_ |_K_| _|_
9V >-----o------------------------------o-----o---o---> 9V to IR _|_ _|_ _|_ | circuits | | | | | | | (part of OWI |22K| |22K| |22K| | MV-962 kit) |_ _| _ |_ _| |_ _| | | .-----. | -_ | | | o---| 22K |---o-------|- -_ | | | left | `-----' | | _---o---- | -------> R Shadow photo __|__ .---- | ------|+ _- | | B1 cell | | | _|_ |_- 1/2 339 | | |__ __| | | | (left over o--------> L Shadow | | |4.7| _ from stock | | B0 | | |_K_| | -_ circuit) | _|_ o-------o---- | ------|- -_ | | | to brain right | o---. | _---------' |27K| board photo __|__ _|_ `---|+ _- |_ _| cell | | | | |_- | ______ |__ __| |22K| IR Object >----o----> IR OBJ | |_ _| detect out B4 _|_ _|_ (339 active low) ^^ .-----. from brain >-------|<|----|2.2K |-------< 5V board B6 "sad" LED `-----' | O------< 5V |-| .-----. | O--|>|--| 470 |---o------o----> to brain Feeler 1N914 '-----' | _|_ board B5 Switch +__|__ | | 2.2u _____ |68K| | |_ _| _|_ _|_
The last code change (today 11/11/96) did away with the InhibI mask, the bits that if present in the previous environment relaxes the Goal states. Rather the InhibA and InhibB masks are used, whichever is in force. InhibI was set so any stimulus relaxes the rules but it learned a few bad habits, like sitting there clicking its relay with no motion and being perfectly happy about it. This annoying behaviour wasn't obvious at first then it discovered it could get away with it. The new code ignores the rules only if the previous environment contains an inhibiting bit of the plan in effect and results in stabler behavior.
The flow of execution is controlled by a collection of flags, the Program Flow Control Word. One of the bits disallows self-modification allowing specific algorithm variations to be studied, otherwise after a specific number of bad moves in a row it reloads the flags randomly, forcing a "mood change". Another kind of mood change (also after a particular number of bad moves in a row) is shifting the inhibit bits from InhibA to InhibB. Plan A is normal obstacle avoidance, while plan B results in a kind of photo-axis response and remains in effect for so many moves then plan A takes over again. A neighbor was witnessing an unsuccessful encounter with a small bag and suggested that it should ignore IR and go to the light instead in situations like that. Seems to work. Refer to the source code for detailed descriptions of the various constants. Some of the events are keyed to a bad-moves counter by bit change, the constant 3 changes when the count hits 9 (1000=bit 3 just went high).
Minor changes 11-15, reduced number of confidence values from 8 to 4 (changed a 1 to a 0 in a mask) - seems to learn faster now. 4 was the original number but I was messing around, making it 8 was fun but 4 seems better. Cool, that's another action bit if I want it, like for reversing the other motor. Imagine if you could only turn one way? It wouldn't be fun. At least this thing is too dumb to complain, it just makes use of the facilities it has.